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Inner Family Circus:

Self-Parenting, Inner Lovership, and Revolutionary Healing with Gaia Surya

This is a present-moment experiment in self-love and self-parenting. Gaia Surya reveals with honesty what's going on internally as they meet the listeners, even if it's terror. Together, we interview the different "voices" inside our host with compassion and curiosity. 

(all times Pacific)




Grandmother Kaariina of the Turquoise Heart/Golden Reindeer 


A strong container of knowingness of the wild, of weathers, of the internal path of energies.


Keeper of the obsidian pipa, guardian of the Golden Reindeer Moon Lodge and its four pillars,  Grandmother offers reverence to both her indigenous sami roots and teachings


The Edge of Paradox


Sonic Stream of Wisdom⚡️


The art of vocal looping by Madhu, Tibetan mantra transmissions, sound healing frequencies, medicine songs from the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Peru, hand pan drumming by Kevin Kihara, wisdom transmissions and Quechua invocations from Don Oscar Miro-Quesada.


Dream Council

Join Emakhet Uru and special guests for a special discussion about the medicine of dreamtime. Dream Council is dedicated to the language of the dream as medicine for the community. Through the art of storytelling and interpretation, symbolic meaning


The Book of Jobe🦇


Tirade of hip hop, cinema, comics, and pop culture insight from Gerry Jobe, pop culture magnet, lifetime bartender, brand ambassador, hip hop junkie, comic book nerd, cinema addict, half Jedi/half Batman.

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